Numerous different species of reptiles have been linked to cryptosporidiosis. Transmission occurs via the fecal-oral route, and the illness seems to affect both wild and domesticated populations of reptiles. Although infected reptiles occasionally shed oocysts (eggs), they may not show any symptoms. Regurgitation and weight loss, along with an abnormal enlargement of the stomach’s mucous membrane layer, are clinical indicators of a crypto infection.
Cryptosporidiosis is a difficult condition to diagnose. Oocysts can be found in a fecal sample using acid-fast staining, which is one way to diagnose a condition. A negative acid-fast stain does not prove that the reptile is Crypto free; it simply shows that it was not shedding at the time of sampling. Before assuming an animal is disease-free, it is standard procedure to perform three tests. This illness can also be recognized using endoscopy, which includes gastric lavage and biopsy.
C is the type of cryptosporidiosis that affects reptiles the most frequently. serpentis, C. parvum and C. muris. According to some reports, C. parvum occysts (mouse based) found were probably from rodents ingested by the reptiles rather then and actual infection of This potential in relation to C. parvum infecting reptiles can only be totally rules out by additional careful biologic and genetic studies.
Following the discovery of chronic Cryptosporidium in snakes kept at their facility, the Saint Louis Zoo started a diagnosis-euthanasia program in March 1999. Over the course of a year, samples of snakes were periodically taken in order to assess the effectiveness of the control measures. In May and June of 1999, respectively, samples from 5 of 10 and 8 of 17 snakes tested positive for Crypto shortly after the start of the control measure. Only 1 of 45 snake samples collected over the course of five different time periods later tested positive for Cryptosporidiosis.
There are currently no reliable methods for preventing Cryptosporidium in reptiles. In a small-scale experiment, it was shown that hyperimmune bovine colostrum raised against C could effectively treat (but not cure) snakes with clinical and subclinical Cryptosporidium. parvum. Strict sanitation and quarantine of infected and exposed animals are required for the control of Cryptosporidiosis, but most experts recommend euthanasia for the infected. Euthanizing infected reptiles is the most effective way to stop Crypto from spreading.
Only moist heat between 113°F and 140°F for 5 to 9 minutes, as well as ammonia (5%) or formaldehyde (10%) disinfection for 18 hours, will completely neutralize crypto oocysts. Among the ineffective disinfectants were idophores (1%-4%), cresylic acid (2.5% and 5%), sodium hypochlorite (3%), benzalkonium chloride (5% and 10%), and sodium hydroxide (0.02 m). A thorough cleaning with an ammonia solution and at least three days of drying time should be performed on anything that might have come into contact with an infected reptile.